GWR 2885 (probably incorrect) Collett 4000 gallon

GWR 2885 (probably incorrect) Collett 4000 gallon

GWR  2885 (probably incorrect) Collett 4000 gallon
GWR 2885 (probably incorrect) Collett 4000 gallon


Present Location Didcot
Designed For GWR
Type & Original Water Capacity Collett 4000 gallon
Original Coal Capacity (tons) 7
Chassis Type Collett 3 axle (later type)
Wheelbase 7ft 6in + 7ft 6in
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Current Water Capacity (gallons) 4000
Current Coal Capacity (tons) 7
Allocated To Unallocated
Present Number 2885 (probably incorrect)
Owner Great Western Preservations Ltd
Status Awaiting Restoration/Overhaul
Notes Tank has not been replaced since preservation. The identity of this tender is unclear. Several tenders were purchased by the Great Western Society in the 1970s and the identity of two of these appears to have become confused. In February 1974 the tender from GWR Modified Hall no. 7903 was moved to Didcot with GWR Hall no 4942. In May 1976 the tender from GWR Hall no. 5967 was moved to Didcot with GWR Castle no. 5029. The tender that left with no.4942 had very distinctive rust holes on the right hand side of the coal fender. Based on these holes, multiple subsequent photos show that this tender remained stored with 4942 for many years until conversion of this loco started to Saint no. 2999. No pictures of the tender of 5967 at Barry or coupled with 5029 when removed from Barry have been found. Subsequently one of these tenders was dismantled with the inner frames being used for a new build Hawksworth 4000 gallon 8ft 6in wide tender. The Great Western Society in an article in Great Western Echo no. 213 Spring 2016 identified the dismantled tender as the one from GWR Hall no. 7903 that arrived at Didcot with GWR Hall no. 4942. However the existing intact tender has the distinctive rust holes seen in the fender of the tender that came from Hall 7903 and it is most likely that the Great Western Society has confused the identities of the two tenders at some stage. Any pictures of the tender of 5967 at Barry or with 5029 at Didcot may help solve this mystery. At present, as the Great Western Society refer to this tender as number 2885, the Tender Register will continue to use this number for this tender.
Photo by Justin Edwards
Photo Date 05/05/2012
Date Record Last Updated 25/05/2022



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